UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Student innovation competitions, 展览和培训项目是大学环境的重要组成部分,因为它们为学生提供了在课堂上无法获得的宝贵经验. 十大正规赌博平台大全和北卡罗来纳州农业技术大学(NCAT)的研究人员最近获得了400美元的奖金,000 grant from the U.S. 美国国家科学基金会(NSF)的一个项目,该项目致力于促进stem相关创新竞赛和项目中代表性不足的学生的平等.
Led by Sadan Kulturel-Konak, 管理信息系统教授兼弗莱明创意中心主任, 创业和经济发展(CEED)中心在赌博平台大全, the project aims to uncover the structural, systemic and social barriers and their impact on students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. 学生创新竞赛和项目是大学水平创新和创业的核心——培养学生有意义的基于stem的大学经历, according to the researchers.. They enhance student skill development, career readiness and social connections, but many students choose not to engage in them.
“Since these students might come from minority backgrounds, have disabilities or face socioeconomic challenges, it often prevents them from fully participating in these opportunities,” Kulturel-Konak said.
Grown out of a seed funding award from the Social Science Research Institute (SSRI) in 2021, Kulturel-Konak和她的团队能够进行初步研究,并在向美国国家科学基金会寻求资助之前为这项工作提供理论基础. Abdullah Konak赌博平台大全信息科学与技术特聘教授; Ada Leung, associate professor of marketing at Penn State Berks; Lauren Davis, professor of industrial and systems engineering at NCAT; and Steven Jiang, associate professor of industrial and systems engineering at NCAT, are also investigators on the project.
The collaboration between Penn State and NCAT has three main goals: understanding what specific barriers underrepresented students face when trying to join these programs; developing a theory to explain how these barriers impact students’ choices and program participation; and testin new ways to reduce these barriers and increase participation through field experiments.
“很高兴看到十大正规赌博平台大全和NCAT之间的合作向前发展,”戴维斯说. “我们的团队很高兴能够加深我们对代表性不足的学生所面临的障碍的理解,并探索创新策略,以增加他们在创新竞赛和项目中的参与度."
“目前关于这一主题的工作缺乏对个体进行理论驱动的研究, 各种学生群体参与这些项目的社会和制度障碍,” Kulturel-Konak said. “我们希望通过半结构化面试来揭示学生如何以及为什么决定参加这些项目,以及参与的障碍可能是什么.”
SSRI支持并促进了解决当地关键的人类和社会挑战的研究, national and international levels. 该研究所通过其附属计划和各种方式支持9所学院的60多名联合资助教师和9个校区的500多名教师 funding mechanisms.
The 弗莱明创意、创业和经济发展中心(CEED)中心 成立于2011年秋季,是盖奇技术和商业创新大楼的一部分. 弗莱明CEED中心的使命是激发十大正规赌博平台大全伯克社区的创业精神和创新思维. 弗莱明CEED中心通过基于技术的解决方案促进大雷丁地区的经济增长和发展, human capital development, and enterprise creation. 弗莱明CEED中心为学生企业家提供了一个孵化器,让他们发展自己的创业想法.